Sometimes we just need a little help when we are cooking. So look at some of the frequently asked questions and see if they help you.

Question: How should I clean my fruits and vegetables?
Answer: Mix 1 cup white vinegar to 3 cups of water. Soak the vegetables for 2 to 5 minutes. Then rinse and let drip dry.
Question: How do I keep my fruits and vegetables fresh?
Answer: Wrap the fruit or vegetable in a paper towel and place is air tight container. For lettuce, dampen the paper towel.
Question: How can you figure out if an egg has been hard boiled?
Answer: Spin the egg. If it spins round and round it is hard boiled. If it wobbles and will not spin, it is raw.
Question: What is a good substitute for butter?
Answer: Olive oil, coconut oil, Greek yogurt, or avocado.
Question: What should I do if my gravy is too thin?
Answer: Mix water and flour or cornstarch into a smooth paste. Gradually add the mixture to the gravy stirring constantly and bring to a boil.
Question: When is the best time to add salt to your recipe?
Answer: Soups and Stews: add early; Meats: add just before taking off of the stove; Vegetables: Cook in salted water.
Question: How do I keep my rice, noodles and spaghetti from boiling over so easily?
Answer: Add a tablespoon of oil to the water.
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